Fast Shipping For products in stock
Quick 24 Hours Reply If you have questions, please ask
Special Prices For a large collection of items

How to order?

In order to place an order on our site, you must complete the following steps:

Adding products to the basket

Use the navigation menus to reach the desired product category. You can sort the products according to their availability, price or delivery time. Use the Search function to find the product you want.

Once you have found the desired product, add it to the shopping cart by clicking on the icon next to it, whose representation is the image of a shopping cart.

After adding the product, you can continue your shopping or you can continue to complete the order by accessing the "My Cart" button in the upper-right corner of the screen.

Order completion

After you have added all the desired products to the basket, the next step is to complete the order by clicking on the "top basket" button in the upper right corner of the page.

As a result of this action, your shopping cart will open where you can find information on the selected products, you can update the quantity or calculate the total cost of the order.

To continue the procedure, press the button below: "Next".

Choice of address and delivery methods

This step is represented by the choice of delivery method and the address where you want the products to arrive.

Before proceeding, check the delivery and billing addresses presented in this section so that there are no errors or inconsistencies.

If you want the delivery to be made to another address, click "Edit" > "Add new address" and fill in the desired destination for the orders placed.

You can select the desired address from the list of addresses above the "Add new address" button.

Click on the "Next step" button to proceed.

Choosing the payment method

In this step you can choose the payment method:

  • Payment refund upon arrival of the parcel;
  • Online card payment;
  • Payment with Payment Order;

A proforma invoice is generated and sent by email or fax to the client by a BursaDeCartuse agent. The bank account is passed in the proforma invoice according to the client's request.

The products will be sent to the customer or they can be picked up from the premises after the entry of the money into the bank account of BursaDeCartuse.

After making the selection on the way you want to make the payment, send the order by pressing the "Next step" button.

Order confirmation

After completing the online order process, you will be notified that your order has been registered and will be processed as soon as possible.

You will receive notifications by e-mail, at the address used in the registration, to confirm receipt of orders and different information regarding the quality of BursaDeCartuse client. At any time one of our operators is ready to assist you in the order process.