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Genuine - Toner Cartridge Genuine Black QMS Konica Minolta 1710566-002 (1710566002)

Simitri toner is known for its polymerised particles that are uniform and finer than conventional toner, and that's what's in the genuine black QMS Konica Minolta 1710566-002 toner cartridge. The Konica Minolta 1710566-002 toner can fuse to paper at lower temperatures, so paper curl is prevented and energy consumption is reduced. The smaller particles of the Konica Minolta 1710566-002 black toner reduces consumption, too, so a cartridge lasts longer than if it contained the standard formulation. Documents can have more solid fonts when printed with the original Konica Minolta 1710566002 toner, while images can retain even the finest details.

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