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Genuine - Ink Cartridge Genuine Light Cyan HP 70 - (C9390A)

The genuine light cyan HP 70 ink cartridge is recommended for affordable but studio-quality pictures with true-to-life colours that will last for over 100 years. The Vivera-formulated HP C9390A ink ensures radiant shades of blue and green with enhanced shadow detail and less image grain, as well as accurate image reproduction because of support for a wider colour palette. The vivid and bright output produced by the HP 70 light cyan ink can resist fading, making them suitable for archival or display purposes. The HP C9390A ink adheres well to a wide variety of media like plain office paper and glossy photo sheets. With exceptional build quality, this genuine HP 70 ink cartridge has technology built into the cartridge to alert the user when ink levels are running low.

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